OdishaPlus Bureau
- 1916: Born in Cuttack
- 1927: Studied at Ravenshaw College
- 1940-42: Served as Chief of the Air Transport Command
- 1941: Rescued British people when Japan occupied Myanmar
- 1943: Sent to the jail during Quit India Movement
- 1946: Elected to the Orissa Assembly
- 1952: Established the Kalinga Foundation Trust

- 1961-63: Chief Minister of Orissa
- 1975: imprisoned during Emergency
- 1977: Released from jail and elected as the member of the Lok Sabha
- 1977-79: Union Minister for Steel and Mines
- 1980: Became a member of the Lok Sabha
- 1990-95: Chief Minister of Orissa
- 1996: Re-elected to the Lok Sabha
- 1997: Died of cardio-respiratory failure