OdishaPlus Bureau
As part of new updates, social media sharing and chat platform Telegram has added profile videos along with improved unlimited file sharing with up to 2GB per file and more. A user can now change their profile picture into a profile video. The video will play when someone opens the user’s profile, and it is possible to choose a specific frame from the video to be displayed in chats.
Telegram is increasing the size limit for files shared on the app, from 1.5GB per file to 2GB for any file type. The update has also improved the People Nearby feature, which now also indicates the distance between the user and any detected contacts.
Now, owners of large groups with over 500 members can now view detailed graphs about their activity and growth. Group stats also show a list of top members by number of messages and average message length. In the future, the features will be available for groups with just 100 members. In addition, Telegram Desktop now supports multiple accounts, similar to the mobile app, which has done so since 2017.