Old age is not a definite biological stage: the chronological age denoted as ‘old age’ varies culturally and historically

Gopabandhu Mohapatra

Early old age can be a pleasant time. Children are grown, work is over and there is time to pursue other interests. Many old people are also willing to get involved in community and activist organizations to promote their well-being. In contrast, perceptions of old age of 80+ years tend to be negative. Old age is the range of ages for people nearing and surpassing life expectancy. People of old age are also referred to as: old people, elderly, elders, seniors, senior citizens, or older adults. Old age is not a definite biological stage: the chronological age denoted as ‘old age’ varies culturally and historically.

The life expectancy has been increasing. The responsible factors such as nutrition, clean water, sanitation, mother-child health services and the advent of antibiotics, vaccines and other medical technologies have played pivotal roles in extending life expectancy. Across all age groups – from infants, children and young adults to the elderly, the likelihood of death has decreased. It was made possible by improvements in the medical system, public health facilities and standards of living.

The measures taken by the governments for nutrition, health and poverty alleviation are equally noteworthy in this regard. As per analysis, the life expectancy in the world was only 26 years in 1820, which increased to 31 years in 1900, 49 years in 1950 and 66 years in 1999. By 2021, it had reached 70 years, with a consistent upward trend. This means that each newborn now has greater chances of survival than ever before.

The boundaries of life expectancy continue to extend, varying across different countries. According to the World Health Organization, in 2021, Japan had the highest life expectancy at 84 years, while European countries ranged between 81 and 83 years. In Asia, life expectancy was 78 years in China and 67 years in India; it is continuously increasing. Most developed western countries set the retirement age around the age of 65; this is also generally considered to mark the transition from middle to old age. Reaching this age is commonly a requirement to become eligible for senior social programs.

It was a major departure from the past belief that aging starts at 50. At present, old age doesn’t start before 80 or old age begins at 80. If 50 to 80-year-olds are to be part of active life, this phase would be longer than a person’s youth. Therefore, it has been suggested that we need to invent a new approach to living for this extended period. The government must help the elderly contribute to the economy. Those who studied the effects of aging on the human brain, concluded that a 60-year-old woman in Britain can expect to live up to 80 years.

Don’t be sad in these stages of life: The workplace moves away from you at the age of 58 to 65 years. No matter how successful or powerful you become during your career, you will be called an ordinary person. So, don’t stick to the mindset and superiority complex of your previous job or business. It is suggested that at the age of 58+, form a group of friends and keep meeting occasionally at a fixed place, at a fixed time. Keep in telephonic contact. Recall and share old life experiences with each other. Always be happy.

At the age of 65 to 72 years, society slowly moves away from you. Your frequent friends and colleagues will reduce and hardly anyone will recognize you at your previous workplace. Don’t say “I was…” or “I was once…” because the younger generation will not recognize you and you shouldn’t feel bad about it.

At the age between 72 to 77 years, the family will slowly move away from you. Even though you may have many children and grandchildren, most of the time you will be living with your partner or alone. When your children visit occasionally, it is an expression of affection, so don’t blame them for visiting less, because they are busy with their lives!

And finally after 77+, the earth wants to mingle with your body. At this time, don’t be sad or grieve, because this is the last stage of life and everyone will eventually follow this path.

Under these circumstances to make things easy for our children, spouse etc., let us all avail debit card facility. Let us inform our kith and kin the PIN number. Let us have bank’s app.  Let us inform our kith and kin the procedure to operate it. If we have credit cards, let us inform them their PIN numbers. Let us keep all our deposits, account passbooks in a safe place known to all the family members.

So, while our body is still capable, live life to the fullest, eat, drink, play and do what you like. Be happy and live happily. Old people often have limited regenerative abilities and are more susceptible to illness and injury than younger adults. They face social problems related to retirement, loneliness and ageism. It should be treated that medicines are not only in bottles and pills. Exercise is medicine. Fasting is medicine. Family dinner is medicine. Gratitude is medicine. Healthy food is medicine. Kindness and compassion are medicine. Love is medicine. Laughter is medicine. Meditation is medicine. ‍Positivity is medicine. Silence and solitude are the medicine. Sleep is medicine. Walking is medicine.

Elders are to be treated respectfully and honourably. By taking advice from elders, we will be able to honour their experience, dignity and knowledge. Seniors always have a lot to contribute and we should never ignore it if we want to honour the elders.

(Author is a Former Banker. Views are personal)


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