To build a progressive nation and ensure the welfare of its citizens, good governance is paramount
Pradip Biswal

Good governance is a buzz word in the world today. From the Prime Minister to the Chief Ministers everyone is talking of governance and good governance these days. When a government loses in the election it is attributed to maladministration and people opting for good governance. There are dedicated institutions for good governance teaching the principles of governance to the public servants. But the people at large don’t understand the concept and principles of good governance. In common parlance good governance implies a system of governance which is beneficial for the public.
Chanakya, who is considered as an authority on the law of governance, emphasised on ethics, justice and welfare of the people for good governance. The Arthashastra, his well known treatise on statecraft and governance is still relevant in the present days. It’s a must read for politicians and bureaucrats at the helm of affairs in the administration. According to him the root of happiness is Dharma (ethics or righteousness), the root of Dharma is Artha (Economy or Polity), the root of Artha is good governance, the root of good governance is victorious self restraint, the root of victorious self restraint is humility and the root of humility is serving the aged.
The underlying principles of governance are thus clarified in a most lucid manner having deep philosophical undertones. A ruler is expected to be guided by the principles of public good and morality. He believed that ruler should uphold ethical and moral values to gain the trust of the people. The leaders should listen to their peers, subordinates and seniors and take the criticism positively. For him justice and ethics are two pillars of governance. He believed that welfare of the people is the ultimate goal of the government.
Gandhian principles of statecraft are equally founded on morality and benevolence. To him people should have a keen sense of independence and self respect in a democracy. Thomas Jefferson held that the care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government. In a nutshell good governance is the key to the progress of the nation and welfare of its citizens.
Very often the principles of good governance are seldom followed in practice. It brings to mind the basic hindrances for good governance. First of all it is the greed for power that makes a ruler antithetical towards democratic governance and welfare of the people. It perpetuates a system engineering corruption and self aggrandisement. Their kith and keen try to take hold of the system and destroy the core values of good governance. Ultimately the people suffer the most until and unless they are dethroned.
Second hindrance is the adoption of tokenism by the leaders to satisfy their supporters. In the process the ethical values get lost and public welfare gets neglected. Thirdly it is the apathy and negligence in administration which erodes the credibility of the government and deprives the people to get justice in time. Red-tapism is one such evil that creates a bad name for the bureaucracy. Files gather dust for months together on the table without being disposed off. Not taking any decision is the only decision they take to get rid of their responsibilities.
It’s a criminal conduct of a public servant to keep files pending which involves the public interest or genuine grievance of a person. In order to obviate such situations the government should have a clear direction that no file can be kept pending by any authority beyond three days and any violation should be penalised. The process should start from the top so that the people below the level will follow it scrupulously. One or two deterrent action could send a message to all and sundry to fall in line. Is there any taker for such ideas?
(The author is a poet, a former bureaucrat, and currently holding the position as the Administrative Member at ORERA. Views expressed are personal.)
Now a days the principles of good governance as enunciated by the great strategist and philosopher Kautilya are seriously violated by many bureaucrats and power hungry people’s representatives which ultimately leads to maladministration, anarchy,and moral,ethical degradation in society. This is aptly and factually represented in your submission.