Pradeep Kumar Biswal

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come to stay in our life. We can’t escape from its clutches in future. It may decide everything for us – what to eat, what to wear, what to speak, what to write etc.

Man would remain subservient to AI tools. No wonder it would be our friend, philosopher and guide in life. It can write poems/ stories, compose songs and music. It has come at par with the intelligence level of man and time will come when it will surpass the intellectual caliber of man.

Let me share some of my experiences. Whenever I fly by Indigo inside the country invariably, I chose to take ready to eat Upma and Masala Tea. Lo and behold, this time I was astonished to find Upma clearly mentioned in my boarding pass. If there was any record maintained by the airlines, AI tool might have recognised my fascination for Upma.

The Google search engine also keeps a tab on our preferences for different subjects and accordingly highlights of such subjects come naturally to us. Let’s say I am interested for Cinema or Sports, it will flash the latest things. If I am interested in fashion or foods, it will show the current developments in these fields. Those who are interested in porn or horror films, they get updates on such subjects. This is how each of our online activities are monitored at our back and we are confronted with our own fancies.

Today I got a mail from Google advising me how to use AI in my use of Google on day-to-day basis and how it makes things easier for me. I am in a dilemma whether to accept the advice or not. The machine is now capturing the space one occupied by our brain.

In our childhood days we were taught to memorise many things and quite naturally we mastered it in few months. Now a days we depend mostly on calculators for simple things. Our children are almost dependent upon calculators.

In older days people were there who were very accurate in telling you the time seeing the movement of sun in the sky. Now a days we go for watches or the mobile phone which doubles as a camera and a watch. We are so much addicted to mobile phones these days that it has almost made us its slave. What’s stored in the future God alone knows.

The Courts are now advocating in favour of employing AI in drafting orders and judgements. It will make the work of the judges very simple. Going by the past cases the AI tools can prepare a draft order or judgment which the judges can only fine tune within no time. Even without AI cut paste approach is being adopted in government offices for preparing drafts. Of course, very often serious lapses are noticed in cut paste approach when due diligence is not maintained.

The human brain, which is considered to be a super computer, is going to be an idiot box in future and computer will take over the creative thinking inside human brain in near future. The writers and the musicians will possibly be banished from the society. Computers, robots and AI tools will come to control the future of mankind.

(Mr. Pradeep Biswal is a bilingual poet writing both in Odia and English. His poems are widely anthologized. He is also an editor and translator of repute. A retired IAS Officer, Mr. Biswal presently holds the position of Member, Odisha Real Estate Regulatory Authority and stays with his family at Bhubaneswar. Views are Personal)


  1. Rightly said and predicted. Appropriate and timely initiative is to be taken to secure and protect human creativity.

  2. I read the scholarly article written by former IAS officer Sri PK Biswal ji whom I know for a long time. He was an able administrator ,simultaneously his capabilities in writing and publishing articles in different languages have added sweet flavours. Anyway, entire article is very informative , useful and scholarly written. And I wish to mention about the conclusion part as mentioned by the author, “The human brain, which is considered to be a super computer, is going to be an idiot box in future and computer will take over the creative thinking inside human brain in near future. The writers and the musicians will possibly be banished from the society. Computers, robots and AI tools will come to control the future of mankind.”

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